A Summer of Type Events!
Happy June! We recently talked about what we’ll be doing at Typographics in a couple of weeks, and there are plenty of additional events around the globe that we’re happy to support this summer.

Kerning Conference: We’re once again supporting this annual conference, which is happening in Faenza, Italy on June 8.
TypeParis: The intensive program begins June 11, with the weekly lecture series happening every Wednesday from June 13 through July 11.
Ampersand: As mentioned in our spring roundup, Dan Rhatigan speaks in Brighton on June 29.
EmojiCon: The second edition of this conference, which moves to New York this year. We’re 😃 to sponsor the speaker 🍽.
And of course we’ll have more news about what we’re up to at TypeCon and ATypI as those events get closer.