Sites We Like: Recyling is Sexy & A Ban Against Neglect
With a focus on renewable resources and recycling, we’re leaving the planet in better shape with this week’s Sites We Like.

Gothic Open Shaded makes for powerful opening text on the landing page at Made by the Wood Type Revival team, Gothic Open Shaded originated as a 19th-century woodtype; its original designers probably couldn’t have imagined that change-on-hover effect. Nimbus Sans is used for the headers throughout, and JAF Lapture appears further down on the page in subheads.
A Ban Against Neglect

A Ban Against Neglect is a non-profit that empowers young women in Ghana through the sale of handmade products made from recycled materials. It’s pretty great stuff all around. On the website, FF Tisa headlines beautifully, with Freight Sans in place for the top-level nav and subheads. Button text appears in FF Tisa Sans, a nice complement to the serif. Thanks to our reader @sprockethouse for the lead on this one.
That’s it for this week; share sites you like in the comments!
2 Responses
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In terms of their impact on the environment, repairing, reusing, and repurposing beat the socks off mere recycling, which meaning returning some elements of an object to their original raw state, such as aluminum to aluminum.
Repair—Fix it when broken or worn out. Making that easy should be designed in. There should be rewards for design excellence for doing that well and the withholding of awards when it’s done poorly. With smartphones, that includes replacing a battery or broken screen.
Reuse—Pass it on to someone else to use as designed. Example include parents passing on their gadgets on to children or from those with large incomes to those with tight budgets. To reduce waste, this is best done outside a commercial system, meaning inside families or between friends.
Repurposing—Continue to use it but for a different purpose. Examples include a smartphone becoming a music player.
Corporations such as Apple like recycling because it destroys a device, forcing people to buy one of their new devices. Environmental groups that cooperate with those claims qualify as aiding and abetting that crime against the environment. They should be insisting that devices be built to be easily repaired, so they have a longer service life and can be more easily reused and repurposed.
Keep those distinctions in mind. Repairing, reusing, and repurposing are sexy. Recycling is often little more than corporate trickery. It turns iPhones into cans for pop.
–Michael W. Perry, co-author of Lily’s Ride
Awesome! ABAN does great work, so nice to see them recognized (site is lovely, too).