Typekit around town: Join us in Austin, San Francisco, and Seattle

The view from Typekit’s headquarters at the inaugural San Francisco Creative Mornings. Photo by J.T. Trollman
Typekit is sponsoring or playing host to a number of events this March, and you’re invited to them all!
Austin, March 12th
Headed to Austin for SXSW Interactive? We are, and we’re honoring the timeless SXSW tradition of the party. Please join us, along with our friends at Adaptive Path and Get Satisfaction, at Betsy’s Bar/District 301 from 10pm to 2am Saturday, March 12th.
San Francisco, March 25th
Back in San Francisco, we’re delighted to be hosting the second Creative Mornings event with Mike Monteiro. Join us for breakfast at our San Francisco headquarters on Friday, March 25th. (If you missed the first San Francisco Creative Mornings, you can read Dwell’s review, or watch a video of Laura Brunow Miner’s inspiring talk on why we work.)
Seattle, March 27th
Next, we’ll head to Seattle for An Event Apart. Typekit is sponsoring the conference pre-party, so you can ring in the week on a good note. Join us at the Frontier Room starting at 6pm, Sunday, March 27th.
We hope to see you soon!
2 Responses
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I would of liked to join you all in Seattle, which strangely enough is the second time I have wanted to go to Seattle for two different events in the past two days… hmmm
Anyway, I have just signed up to TypeKit after trialling different font embedding (freebies) services, and finally I have found one that works well! – So this is me saying thank you. 🙂
I’m looking forward to visiting with you in Seattle at An Event Apart. See you there!