Recently published by the Typekit team
Our outreach routinely goes beyond this blog, and as a team we have all kinds of publications to our name. Here’s a few that have published recently for a little Team Typekit reading list.

Ari Remoundakis & Meghan Arnold both have writing featured on Alphabettes this month. Ari’s description of bringing her parents along to a type conference is hilarious and great reading; she attended Typographics in New York earlier this year and decided to make it a family trip.
Our ever-organized Meghan has put together a fantastic gift-buying guide that supports women in typography — some awesome stuff in there. And don’t miss her lovely reflection on this year’s Hamilton Wayzgoose up in Two Rivers, WI.

Frank Grießhammer wrote about the work of digital typography pioneer Allen Vincent Hershey in two different small publications: Issue B of Footnotes and (with neat vintage photos from the ’60s) in Production Type’s Béziers, Hershey, & Lombardics: Minotaur Typeface compilation. This has been a long-running interest of Frank’s (some of you may remember his 2015 TypeCon talk on the subject) and these publications are really neat in their own right.

Finally, I’d be remiss not to mention Ken Lunde’s continued updates to all topics CJK type-related on his long-running CJK Type Blog. For anything related to technical details of East Asian type, his blog is a great resource.
Happy reading!