Herzlich willkommen, deutsche Typekit-Kunden!
Introducing Typekit auf Deutsch! We’ve been working for the past few months to expand the content on Typekit.com. All our website content and support documentation is now available in German — and check out the nifty new design on our homepage.

We’re delighted to localize our website for a country with such a longstanding involvement and interest in typography and type design. If your browser’s default language is set to German, you should now see the entire website in German. If you’d like to toggle the language manually, scroll down to the footer on any page and select your language of choice: German, English, French, or Japanese.

Toggle between different language options in the page footer
We’ve also added German-speaking representatives to our support team, so you can reach out anytime to support+DE@typekit.com. You may notice that we haven’t yet enabled full-text German search functionality on the site (you can still search for fonts by name, of course) but we’re planning to add this in the near future.
We’re so excited to welcome German speakers into the Typekit community. If you see anything that needs a little more attention, or if you have any questions about language support in general, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You can comment here, find us on Twitter, or send us an email.