Sites We Like: Domani, Makewell, & Planet Propoganda
This week, we’re feeling drawn in by the vibrant portfolios of a few creative agencies—all of whom take the opportunity on their own sites to show off skilled web design as well as some solid typographic choices.

Domani makes a great case for itself as a creative agency with the bold images and clever animations on this delightful website. Futura PT is a perfect typeface choice to match this energy, and beneath these geometric headings, the rounded edges of Omnes pair nicely in the body text.

Makewell takes a more minimal approach to their portfolio page, and the result is a clean, straightforward site that tells a convincing story about their portfolio of projects. Type is carefully paired here, with Museo Sans used throughout and occasionally punctuated with a dash of Museo Slab.

Design is front and center at Planet Propaganda, with snapshots from their excellent portfolio on display alongside their thoughtfully composed method. The eye-catching type in the main navigation is Hellenic Wide, a digital adaptation of a metal type with roots in the late 19th century. Futura PT also appears in headers throughout the site.
That’s it for this week; share sites you like in the comments!
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Planet Propaganda: Nice design, great choice of colors. Very unique. I like it.