Sites We Like: The Amazings, Pathwright, and UCD School of Architecture
Whether you learn from your neighbor, an online course, or a major institution, education stays with you for a lifetime. In this week’s sites we like, the many forms of modern teaching and learning—all of them inspiring.

Taking the idea of learning from your elders to an entirely new level, The Amazings features an impressive roster of people over the age of 50 who have developed various skills and talents they now wish to pass along via short, unofficial classes—anything from learning the basics of watercolors to foraging for wild edibles. FF Tisa features prominently in the site’s typography, which pops with splashes of color and the timeless enthusiasm for learning new things.

For aspiring teachers on either side of 50, or those who have enough material to open an entire unofficial school, Pathwright provides a lovely platform for setting up online classes. Their smoothly functional site design is nicely accentuated by its type, using the softly powerful Rooney for body text.

Since its founding in 1911, more than 2,000 students have graduated from the School of Architecture at University College Dublin, and this visually stunning archive was commissioned in honor of the school’s 100-year anniversary. Text is displayed in the unobtrusive FF Dagny, and plays nicely off the artfully minimalist page design.
That’s it for this week’s sites! Share sites you like in the comments!