Sites we like: AllThingsD, 5by5 Studios, Bold, and Afgn

AllThingsD relaunched with a classy new look, courtesy Mule Design. Grad, designed by Phil Martin and revived by Mark Simonson, serves up bold, authoritative headlines that use space efficiently; while Myriad provides small, readable supporting text.

5by5 is a broadcast network for designers, developers, geeks, entrepreneurs, and technophiles. Proxima Nova complements the subtly retro show graphics, making for a strong, clear design.

The folks at Hello Bold made their first hire and felt like celebrating it with a small site that tells the story of how they did it. Adelle lends a smart, spirited feel to the charming tale; be sure to watch all the way to the end.

Last but not least, Afgn shows off the photos of Derek Rushforth, taken while serving as a Marine in the 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. FF Tisa serves for the brief body text, while Proxima Nova Condensed provides small, neutral navigation. Close the sidebar to experience the photos at full size.
That’s all for this week; stay tuned for more sites we like next week!