Typekit at SxSW: Parties and Panels

The annual South by Southwest conference is happening in Austin, Texas, this weekend, and Typekit will be there. We’re co-hosting a big Web Fonts Meetup and will be participating in a number of panels. Here are the details:

Party: Web Fonts Meetup

Sunday, March 14, 6-9pm

Join the Typekit team and co-hosts Font Bureau, FontShop, and Webtype for geeky conversation about fonts, the web, and more. There will be demos and a DJ. Plus, we’re buying drinks!

The Shangri’la
1016 East 6th Street
Austin TX (map)

(512) 524-4291

Panel: Web Fonts — The Time Has Come

Saturday, March 13, 9:30 am, Ballroom B

Typekit’s Jeffrey Veen will be joined by Roger Black (The Font Bureau), Bert Bos (W3C), Stephen Coles (FontShop/Typographica), and David Berlow (The Font Bureau) for a lively conversation on the current state of typography on the Web, plus a look at the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Panel: Is Canvas the End of Flash?

Tuesday, March 16 at 12:30 PM, Ballroom A

Greg Veen, Typekit’s front end development geek, is leading a panel discussion on the pros and cons of both Flash and the HTML5 Canvas element. Considering the recent Flash-free iPad announcement, you can expect a lot of interesting debate in this session.

Panel: Eight Ways to Deal with Bastards

Friday, March 12 at 05:00 PM, Hilton A/B

And finally, our own Bryan Mason will lead a discussion on how to deal with difficult professional situations. His panel of seasoned pros will consider what to do when you’ve got bad employees, difficult partners, and troublesome customers.

Hope to see you there!

4 Responses

  1. is the party only for those attending the festival? i will be in austin and would love to go to the party, but i won’t be able to attend the festival this year.

  2. Bryan Mason says:

    Jonathan –

    The party is for all who love fonts and/or beer. Please do join us.

  3. Can’t wait to see everyone at the Web Fonts Meetup!

  4. Shangri’la, nice choice!

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