New from our Head of Typography: Flexible Typesetting
Tim Brown is one of our most treasured minds on staff, and we couldn’t be happier to see his new book, Flexible Typesetting, released for sale today.
Tim has been with Typekit from the beginning – figuring out type rendering on the web, helping us practice, and exploring new concepts – and in that time he has talked with a lot of people who use type and make fonts. This experience brought Tim to the conclusion that the web has changed typography.

Yes, the green matches on purpose — thanks to Typekit alum Jason Santa Maria.
So he wrote a book about it — available today from our good friends at A Book Apart. Here’s how they describe it:
For the first time in hundreds of years, because of the web, the role of the typographer has changed. We no longer decide; we suggest. We no longer simply choose typefaces, font sizes, line spacing, and margins; we prepare and instruct text to make those choices for itself. In this book, Tim Brown illuminates the complex, beautiful world of typesetting—arguably the most important part of typography because it forms the backbone of the reading experience—and shows us how to parry the inevitable pressures that arise when we can no longer predict how, and where, our text will be read.
Grab a copy today, and keep up with Tim on Twitter, where he offers a few fun pairing suggestions for your next study session.
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This is interesting. I guess it’s true. We no longer mandate, we simply suggest. Most devices end up doing what they want with the “style” and layouts we propose anyways ; ).