Sites we like: Nieman Journalism Lab, Millennium Promise, Zerply, and Jason Santa Maria
Explore the future of journalism, end extreme poverty, love what you do, and more in this week’s sites we like.

The Nieman Journalism Lab aims to discover how journalism can thrive in the internet age, using a classic combination of Minion and Myriad. The two fonts share a common efficiency of space — slightly narrow letterforms that fit many characters per line while maintaining readability, perfect for dense news-oriented sites like this one. Together, they produce a design that’s as lucid as it is informative.

Millennium Promise addresses the root elements of extreme poverty, working with communities for sustainable development. Depot New and Rooney join up for the cause, communicating both empathy and organizational prowess. Depot New’s extensive weights make it extremely flexible, allowing it to serve admirably in both headlines and body text.

Zerply is a new professional network for people who love what they do. Several weights of Adelle combine for a friendly, newsy feel. A subtle text-shadow on the tagline provides a pleasant amount contrast against the textured background.

Last but certainly not least, our very own Jason Santa Maria celebrates ten years of his site with a fresh new design. Carol Twombly’s Chaparral and Mark Simonson’s Proxima Nova make for a lovely pair, while FacitWeb (designed by Typekit’s resident type designer, Tim Ahrens) serves up small text. Here’s more on the redesign from Jason himself.
That’s all for this week! Share sites that you like in the comments, or submit your favorites to
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Jason Santa Maria’s site is sickeningly good. His blog is also lovely and responsive. Jealous!