Sites we like: 10K Apart, Seamless, and Warby Parker
End your week right with inspiring apps, easy takeout, and great design at a great price.

Brought to you by An Event Apart and Mix Online, 10K Apart challenges you to create an app that weighs in at just 10K. This year’s contest adds the additional wrinkle that every app must be responsive — guaranteed to have designers and developers resizing their browsers like it’s going out of style. The site — designed by the ever-so-talented folks of Paravel — features Futura PT and Proxima Nova. The two geometric sans serifs complement each other, while each serving at their best: Futura PT in big, chunky headlines; Proxima Nova in small, readable body text. (Added bonus: you can use Typekit fonts in your app, and it doesn’t count against the 10K; the deadline is September 12th, so get started soon!)

A redesigned Seamless ensures you can enjoy great fonts and get your food delivered fast. Museo Slab makes for tasty headlines, and contrasts nicely with the rounded corners and spring color palette that mark the design.

Finally, Warby Parker makes designer glasses that are affordable and ethical: their buy a pair, give a pair program provides a pair of glasses to someone in need for every pair they sell. Helping the cause is a classy combination of Rooney and Myriad; Rooney’s soft serifs complement Myriad’s friendly, humanistic shapes, making for an effortless, sophisticated look.
That’s all for this week; as always, share sites that you like in the comments, or join us again next week for more sites we like.