Fonts in Portfolio: Great type, sleek templates

We’ve really enjoyed seeing the early screenshots come in from people using Adobe Portfolio for the first time. Definitely some future Sites We Like contenders in there!

Portfolio homepage

Portfolio is a new tool from the Behance team, and it’s designed to enable folks who have a lot of work to share (but not a lot of time to build a website) to quickly put together personal websites that look amazing — with the help of beautiful templates and professional-grade web fonts.

Portfolio launched to the public last week, and its purchase price includes full access to our subscription library of web fonts right in the application. (If you already have a Creative Cloud subscription, you already have Portfolio. Yup! Go check it out.)

If you’re designing a website for the first time, take a look through our gallery for a few examples we noticed of great type on the web. And if you’ve already used Portfolio to put together a site you’re really proud of, give us a shout about it on Twitter! We love hearing when people are using the fonts from our library in their work.

8 Responses

  1. B. Barrett says:

    This is a great addition to Creative Cloud. I teach at a Cal. Community College with a campus-wide CC agreement. At present, we do not get Typekit, so it would be difficult to use this. Can Colleges with Enterprise agreements make use of Portfolio?

    1. Sally Kerrigan says:

      Thanks for the feedback! I wasn’t sure how Portfolio works for educational enterprise plans, so I asked a colleague on the Behance team about it. Unfortunately, it’s not simple; there are many different types of accounts that schools and institutions can subscribe for, and only some of these come with a free Portfolio account.

      I’d recommend getting in touch with the Portfolio team directly at to see what might work best for you. Hope this helps!

      1. bonniebarrett says:

        We have tried communicating with our Adobe reps. So far we do not have Typekit access. I will reach out to the Portfolio team as you suggest.

    2. Sally Kerrigan says:

      Also, we’ll be happy to chat more over email if you have more questions about getting access to Typekit; we’re at

  2. Luke says:

    Is this a great deal different to Behance Prosites?

    1. Sally Kerrigan says:

      It’s a similar idea, and made by the same team, but Portfolio has an entirely new set of templates and the Typekit integration is a little smoother. Let us know how you like it!

  3. A great addition which doesn’t work at full throttle. A month ago or more I’ve written to support about Cyrillic issues with TypeKit. Nothing changed since then — the same font (Proxima) works on Behance’s PeoSite and nothing here at myportfolio. Still waiting.

    1. Sally Kerrigan says:

      Olexiy, we just checked for your email and weren’t able to find anything. If you’d like, please drop an email to so we can help.

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Sally Kerrigan

Content Editor at Typekit. Usually knows the way to the nearest public library. Lives in San Francisco in real life, @draftwerk in Twitter life.

Sites We Like: Deus Customs, Owen & Fred, & S.W. Basics of Brooklyn

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